My first two weeks at Maya are over. So far I've had mixed feelings about being here.
One disadvantage of the place is that you have too much time to think. When I went to Singapore it was much easier not to think of home since it was very busy there and we did not really have time to be homesick.
Here it's not like that. I often think of home and my family and I know it would be so much more fun to share this experience with a good friend. On the other hand this whole project of course is not "only" about helping others and giving back to society but pushing my boundaries to see what I am able to without others' help. Apart from the hard bits (like eating rice everyday and not having my friends around) I am unbelievably glad that I am here.
Yesterday for instance we had another power cut in the evening (there are at least two power cuts a day) but it was just so nice to have dinner together at the light of our solar torch. There were only seven of us, Siddrath the school principle, Reihana, me, Mina who cooks for us and three kids who live with us because their parents are sick and won't be able to feed and support them. We were just sitting and eating there under the bamboo tent next to the kitchen, Siddrath played guitar, and we could see the coming storm over the hills.
It was very cozy not talking about how useful lightenings can be if you are out in the nature but have to do chores. At least I could occasionally see the dishes I was to wash after dinner.
Also it didn't take me long to find out that there are only two things certain here; rice and power cuts.