The other day after school I decided to go to wash my clothes. The first time when Narage the youngest boy who lives with us took me to the nearest place where I can shower and wash clothes I thought we were rather tracking than going to the to laundry. It was a good thirty-minute walk in the forest till we got there. The way wasn't longer than a kilometer but we had to climb rocks and slippery bits. It took me quite an effort to keep up with Narage.
The day after I went on my own and got lost twice but at least I did not have to wash clothes on my own when eventually reached the fountain. I had the company of local girls and women as they joined me there. It didn't take them long to point out that I was washing my clothes "the wrong way" so showed me how to do it properly. We had a good time there; the younger ones introduced me to their aunties and kept asking me; where I'm from, what my name is, how many siblings I have and so on. (They were particularly disappointed when they found out I'm not married)
It was already sundown when I climbed back to the school. I went straight to my house, put my stuff down, opened my bag and realised that I left my keys at the fountain. I don't think I have to write down that I wasn't very happy to go all the way back but I was rather worried that I might had lost the only keys to my house. I was nervous while going back but fortunately I met one of the aunties on my way and managed to ask her if she had seen my keys at the fountain. She understood my gestures and explained me that the keys were still there on the stone where I left them. And indeed I foud them there.
I didn't even mind climbing back in the dark, I was just so happy that I found my bloody keys.